Graphical Abstracts & Journal Covers
A graphical abstract is a small figure that summarizes the message of a research paper in a clear and attractive way. A scientific journal cover highlights your findings and attracts researchers’ attention, illustrating your scientific concept artistically.
Graphical abstracts and scientific journal covers will engage more readers and greatly help promote your research on social media.
Graphical Abstracts:
Targeting PTEN but not SOCS3 resists an age-dependent decline in promoting axon sprouting. Geoffroy et al., IScience, 2022.
The fragile X mental retardation protein promotes adjustments in cocaine self-administration that preserve reinforcement level. Huebschman et al., EJN, 2021, 54(3), 4920
Neurogenesis and chronic neurobehavioral outcomes are partially improved by vagus nerve stimulation in a mouse model of Gulf War illness. Iannucci et al., Neurotoxicology, 2022 May, 90-(205-215).
Age-Dependent Decline in Neuron Growth Potential and Mitochondria Functions in Cortical Neurons. Sutherland et al., Cells 2021, 10(7), 1625
Journal Cover:
Journal cover in Organic chemistry Frontiers: “A glimpse into uncharted territory”.
Stable dicationic dioxoliums and fate of their dioxolyl radicals. Devillard M, Regnier V, Pecault J, Martin D, Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 3184 - 3191
Portfolio: Publications / Visual Communication / Logos